The newest techniques allow for the expeditious management of acute ligament injury for all joints. It has particular application around the knee and ankle. Where there is an unstable joint, a minor surgical procedure can allow the insertion of an “Internal Brace”. This is a very small artificial device that is laid over the top…
Part of our mission is to ensure that there is a positive difference in the lives of our patients. The volunteers put in a lot of time, and the donors give funds for this cause. We believe that we owe them feedback from the patients. Since it has been one year since our first surgery…

All patients that have been operated are doing well. The junior staff at Jamkhed, including Tristan, a pre-med student from the USA are handling the necessary changes of plaster and dressings. There was a small pressure area behind the knee of one patient who has severe cerebral palsy. This is being managed with simple dressings…